Saturday, December 3, 2016

How to STOP Procrastinating

It happens to all of us, homeschooled, public schooled, working, not working. It's name is procrastination. It's an ugly little parasite in your brain that tells you that it's okay to put your WANTS before your NEEDS while feeding on your precious time.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Top Five Study Apps!

Hey guys!!

One thing most people notice about me is that my eyes are constantly glued to my phone. I am always on social media, or watching YouTube video's, or editing photo's. Honestly, it can be hard to separate myself from my device at times. My "rock bottom" moment came when I calculated one day that I had spent practically 4 to 5 hours on my phone alone... no school done at all.

 Realizing I needed to do something productive but that my phone was such a huge distraction- I decided to go looking for apps that would help me organize my time and ultimately my school life.
Here are 5 apps I found to be pretty handy in achieving productivity:

My Home School Routine (Most Days)

Hello everyone!!

I wanted to share with you a routine of mine- My home school routine. You may have seen public school morning routine video's floating around on YouTube and boy are they common but as far as home school morning routine video's go; The trend hasn't exactly been as hot. SO! I thought i'd take it upon myself to give you guys some productivity vibes and make one myself(: